Base Backstory

TW: Abuse, death, blood in images.

Born into a family of renowned scientists, Edward Grenore - or 'Add', as he came to be called - was a kid with heavy expectations from the moment he was born. The land of Elrios didn't have much in the way of a general education system, so he was homeschooled to be brought up to speed on what his parents had learned over the years. This turned out to be an absolutely terrible idea, because Add's father, Asker Grenore, was kind of a prick. He expected the impossible from Add, such as a 10 year old learning theoretical physics, and for failures, there was admonishment and dismissal aplenty - Add very much did not enjoy growing up.

What it did do, however, was give Add a solid foundation in what his family specialized in - Nasods. A subsction of robots, powered by rocks from the goddess of the world and able to think and act independently, Nasods were used all over the land. Add's father focused on development of powerful Nasods, whereas Add's mother, Grace Grenore, worked on using the technology to repair plants and bring them all back to life. Which was pretty cool stuff. In spite of his growing hate for his father, he genuinely enjoyed his time as a kid in his mother's greenhouses, seeing all of the stuff she was doing. If life was exclusively that, it would be perfect.

Outside of his home away from society, though, trouble gradually began to brew - the Nasods, discontent with their lot in life as servants of humanity, had begun a rebellion, lasting several years. In spite of not being directly involved, Add's home life began a very dramatic shift - his daily lessons began to slow to a crawl, until they abruptly just stopped. Asker spent more and more time away from the house, and Grace spent more and more time locked away in some room. Add, perhaps around 12 at the time, only knew that this was a very lonely period of his life. Until, abruptly, everything changed.

The reason for his family's fear became very clear - in the aftermath of the war, with the Nados quelled, humanity needed a scapegoat for the changes that would have be made for society - and as prolific Nasod researchers, Add's family fit the bill perfectly. Add's parents were executed for their role in the development of Nasods, but they elected to have some pity on Add - slavery was making a real comeback, courtesy of the roles of Nasods needing to be filled, and so Add was, after much deliberation, taken as a slave.

And perhaps that's where his story could have ended, but even as a kid, Add was tricky, slippery - it took a few months, but he made his own scheme to escape from captivity and booked it, in spite of the fear of being caught. He makes it a good amount of the way home, before he's finally stopped - a bullet clips his shoulder, making the young kid lose his balance. He loses his balance, trips... and tumbles, into an abyss. Edward Grenore was ultimately written off as dead.

When Add opened his eyes again, though, he found himself very much alive - and in one of his father's old labs, no less. It was decrepit, but it was definitely preferable to remaining in captivity. It was also here that he would meet the seemingly-buggy Dynamo, a friendly little droid that was the first to properly call Add, well, 'Add'. The problem with his father's lab gradually became clear, though - it was a knowledge repository of the Debrians, an advanced race of Nasod creators that had created robots comparable to literal gods before much of their knowledge was lost. There was also... no way out.

The library ultimately became Add's sink-or-swim - create a weapon capable of escaping, or die. Dynamo ran out of power to sustain itself after a time, leaving Add to his own thoughts, and, with all that he had experienced in the past few months in rapid succession, a rapidly growing darkness within him.

In time, Add succeeded - he created the Nasod Dynamos, and escaped the crumbling lab before it could down upon him. It wasn't until he escaped that he realized the issues that would come to plague him in most of his other paths, though - the library dilated time itself. He was now far in the future compared to when he lost everything.

So, Add is hundreds of years in the future, has a shit ton of baggage from losing his family and then stewing on those thoughts in complete isolation for entirely too long.

Where do we go from here? (Back to Main Page)